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2024-2025年Mary L. 科尼尔学院系列研讨会

9/16/2024 12:45 PM 10/21/2024 12:45 PM 2/3/2025 12:45 PM 3/3/2025 12:45 PM

《叙事至关重要:塑造我们生活的故事 会是一个为期一年的系列研讨会吗 皇冠体育故事在当代自我中的中心地位的精心策划的对话. 召开by的 2024-2025玛丽·L. 科尼尔杰出驻校学者 乔纳森·阿德勒他正在写一本即将出版的书, each session will feature a discussion between Professor Adler and one or more guests, as well as 与出席者交谈的时间到了. 阿德勒教授召集了一批专家 from across the social sciences, 人文学科, the arts, to curate a kaleidoscopic perspective on 叙述. As a set, the seminar series will offer a timely and rich opportunity to engage with the 这些故事塑造了我们作为个人、社区和国家的生活.

As the curator and convener of this series, Professor Adler brings an interdisciplinary perspective 皇冠体育叙事的话题. 他是奥林工程学院(Olin College of Engineering)的心理学教授 哈佛医学院高级讲师. 他的研究重点是叙述的方式 我们的生活构成了我们的身份,塑造了我们的幸福. 他担任编辑f 个性与社会 心理学的评估,是这些领域中排名第一的期刊,致力于出版 主要的理论进展. Adler教授也是Health Story的首席学术官 Collaborative, a non-profit organization based in Cambridge that seeks to center storytellin在…中 支离破碎的美国医疗生态系统. 最后,阿德勒教授也是哦,剧院。R导演兼剧作家. 他玩, 反转录 (与吉姆·佩托萨合著), premiered Off-Broadway in July 2022 at 大西洋 Theater Company’s Stage 2, produced by 20元/纽约. Professor Adler has intentionally assembled this seminar series to appeal to a wide audience across the Wellesley faculty, hoping to draw in folks working in all disciplines of the科学、社会科学、人文科学和艺术.

会话我: 叙事、残疾和相互依赖的问题

该系列将于9月16日开始,其中一节名为 叙事、残疾和相互依赖的问题. This session will take up the tough question of what it means to care for each other in a society that places so much emphasis on independence. Conditions of disability help reveal the ways in which we are fundamentally dependent organisms and offer an invitation to think deeply about shared interdependence. 事实上, 相互依赖的自我(与他人相互依赖), 与技术, with service animals) is a common emergent theme in Professor Adler’s program of research focused on 身份 among people with disabilities.



  • 莎拉Hendren is an Associate Professor in Art and Design with a joint appointment in the School of Architecture at Northeastern University. 她是……的联合设计师 可访问的图标, the symbol replacing designated parking for people with disabilities and other indicators of accessibility. 她也是2020年出版的书的作者 身体能做什么:我们如何面对人造世界 (Penguin/Random House; Riverhead), which was an NPR Best Book of the Year in 2020. 《纽约客》 review of her book asked, "Why aren't more people like her in charge of the world?" 亨德伦也是一位艺术家、电影制作人和设计师. Her work has been exhibited on the White House lawn under the Obama administration, at the Victoria & 阿尔伯特博物馆, 以及首尔美术馆, 在其他场所中, is held in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the Cooper Hewitt Museum. 

  • 安德鲁·利兰 是2024年普利策奖的入围者 《盲人之国:视力尽头的回忆录 (企鹅/兰登书屋),这本书被评为年度最佳书籍之一 《纽约客》, 华盛顿邮报, 大西洋. 他教过纪实写作, 广播, 以及史密斯学院的数字叙事, 卫斯理大学, 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特, 以及密苏里大学. 利兰还为《皇冠体育官网》撰稿, 旧金山纪事报, 2014年惠特尼双年展的展览目录, 和主编的. 

This session may be of special interest to people workin在…中 人文学科 and social sciences on issues pertaining to disability, fields that engage with the development of assistive technology (including technical and scientific fields), 作品涉及化身的艺术家, those working on questions of independence/dependence/interdependence across all disciplines.


会议2: 叙事与美国总统

10月21日,也就是美国大选前两周.S. 总统选举,该系列将再次召开会议,会议题为 叙事与美国总统. 本节课将探讨美国和印度之间的动态相互作用.S. 总统的个人故事和美国历史的宏大故事. Professor Adler's book project takes seriously的 connections between the stories individual people tell about their lives and the broad cultural 叙述s that shape our society and our history.


  • 丹·麦克亚当斯, the Henry Wade Rogers Professor of Psychology and Professor of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University. 他发表了300多篇学术论文, 大量的编辑卷, 还有八本书, 都专注于对生活的叙事研究. 麦克亚当斯写了两本皇冠体育美国总统的书: 唐纳德。J. 特朗普:心理清算 (牛津大学出版社)和 乔治•布什(George W. 布什和救赎之梦:一幅心理肖像 (牛津大学出版社), as well as scholarly articles about the psychology of 总统s Barack Obama and Joe Biden. He has spoken extensively with media about American 总统s and wrote a very popular cover story for 大西洋 名为《皇冠体育》." He is current working on a project titled "The Psychology of the American Presidency." 

This session may be of special interest to people workin在…中 social sciences and 人文学科 on topics pertaining to American politics, 任何学科的人都专注于领导力, anyone interested in understanding the stories that shape American elections in the two weeks before we again head to the polls. 


会话III: 叙事与自我表现

在2月3日,该系列将继续以题为 叙事与自我表现. This session will ask us to think about the limits of 叙述 as a metaphor for 身份 and to take seriously的 embodied enactment of self. Professor Adler's work in theater and storytelling extend his own social scientific research on history. 


  • 吉姆Petosa, 导演与戏剧评论名誉教授, 曾担任波士顿大学戏剧学院院长17年. 他还曾担任波士顿NewRep剧院的艺术总监(2012-2019)。, 马里兰州奥尔尼剧院艺术中心(1994-2012), 作为20元/纽约的联合创始人和联合艺术总监(1987年至今). He has directed hundreds of plays, musicals, operas, including numerous Off-Broadway credits. 2022年,佩托萨教授和阿德勒教授共同创作的一部戏剧, 反转录, 在大西洋剧院公司的第二舞台首演, 20元/纽约出品, 由佩托萨教授指导. 
  • 贝丝Wynstra is an Associate Professor of English and 教师 Director of the Center for Engaged Learning and Teaching at Babson College, 也是空天剧院的艺术总监. 温斯特拉教授是研究尤金·奥尼尔作品的最重要的学者之一, 最近在她的书中 Vows, Veils, Masks: The Performance of Marriage in the Plays of Eugene O'Neill (爱荷华大学出版社). 在一起, Professor Wynstra and Professor Adler developed and co-teach a Babson-Olin-Wellesley course called "Constructing and Performing the Self," which blends the 心理 study of 身份 with the theater of solo performance. 你可以更多地了解他们的课程 在这里.

这节课可能对从事任何艺术工作的人都特别感兴趣, 人文学科, 或者关注绩效的社会科学学科, 广泛的解释. 虽然它肯定会吸引表演艺术的人, 对于从事与性能相关主题工作的人来说,它也很有吸引力, 无论是个人层面还是文化层面. 



3月3日,该系列将以一个名为 叙事与生命中自我的共同建构. 这次会议将重振皇冠体育家庭作用的讨论, 浪漫的合作伙伴, 并关闭其他人, 从童年到老年共同建构身份. 发展工作往往侧重于生命的早期, 研究父母和同龄人如何将我们的自我意识社会化, 但是身份的共同建构贯穿一生. 阿德勒教授的书项目研究了这些过程,尤其是中年人.


  • 罗宾Fivush, the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Psychology and Director of the Institute for Liberal Arts at Emory University. Professor Fivush is one of the world’s leading experts on the development of autobiographical memory and the relations among memory, 叙述, 身份, 创伤, 和应对. She has studied intergenerational storytelling and has facilitated “story circles,集体讲故事活动. 作为文理学院的院长, 她是埃默里大学跨学科合作的先锋. She has a very popular column at Psychology Today called “The Stories of Our Lives.”
This session may be of special interest to people working on questions of development at any stage of the lifespan, 从婴儿到老年, 从任何学科的角度来看, 包括生物, 心理, 和社会文化.
The Cornille faculty seminar series is open to all faculty and staff at Wellesley College. 提供午餐. 每个会话需要RSVP.