富布赖特项目(即将升学的高年级学生) & 毕业生)

Campus application deadline: 12:00 pm (noon) EST on Wednesday, 2024年8月21日

富布赖特大学.S. 学生计划为美国学生提供助学金.S. citizens who wish to travel abroad to pursue an individually designed study/research project in any field of study or to teach English with an English-Teaching Assistantship (ETA). 在授予期间, Fulbrighters满足, 一起工作, 与东道国人民一起生活并向他们学习, 分享日常经验. 富布赖特计划的目标是.S. student Program is to expose recipients to 国家 和 cultures that are relatively new to them for the purposes of building new relationships 和 international underst和ing: the mission of the Fulbright program is "to foster mutual underst和ing between nations, 跨社区推进知识, 改善全世界人民的生活." Approximately two thous和 Fulbright grants are awarded each year, to over 140 国家. 受到启发 皇冠体育2022-23届富布莱特奖学金!




  • 5月1日: opt-in to Postgraduate Fellowship Summer Support program by submitting 这个入门工作表 to 这种形式 to help plan 和 build 你r applications (outlining, essay review, choosing recommenders, etc.)

  • 7月24日可选草案截止日期 for postgraduate fellowships—submit drafts to guarantee draft review appointment before relevant fall deadline

  • 2024年8月21日: apply by the campus deadline to participate in campus application process, which includes a September campus interview 和 feedback to help 你 strengthen 你r application ahead of the national deadline
  • 2024年10月8日,美国东部时间下午5点: apply by the national deadline for consideration in the 富布赖特U.S. 学生项目
  • 三月至六月:富布赖特结果公布(日期因国家而异).



  • Wellesley College seniors who will obtain their bachelor’s degree before the start of the grant (if 你 plan to apply in the fall of 2024, 必须在2024年12月或2025年春季毕业) 和皇冠体育 毕业生 (尚未取得博士学位者)

  • U.S. citizens by the date of the national application deadline in October

  • Appli可以ts who possess language proficiency sufficient to communicate with people in the host country 和 to carry out the proposed project. (Language requirements vary by country: see individual country pages for specifics, 和 contact fellowships@nigzob.com 有问题的 or ask when 你 book an appointment to talk over interests 和 plans.)

Successful c和idates typically demonstrate a specific interest in their host country, 并且可以将他们过去的活动(学术)联系起来, professional 和/or extracurricular) 和 their proposed Fulbright project (study/research or teaching).





  • The Fulbright campus committee process (apply by August 21 to participate) is meant to help 你 put forth the strongest application possible; it is 不 a nomination process.
  • 所有韦尔斯利 高年级学生和毕业生 are invited to apply for the Fulbright through the campus committee process. 
  • 可以 直接申请富布赖特学院(作为皇冠体育的候选人), 而不是“大规模的”), but we strongly recommend participating in the campus committee process.
  • Note: if 你 are currently in a US graduate/professional degree program, 你 might be better served by applying through 你r graduate institution.
  • 秋季和夏末的咨询预约需求量很大, 所以提前计划是有帮助的:预约奖学金咨询预约 通过握手 一年中的任何时间(包括夏季).


参与校务委员会的工作, 你 will need to complete 和 "lock" 你r official online application (found via the 富布赖特网站),包括所有的短文和简答题. 请注意:

  • 2024年新品: Do 不 hit the "submit" button until 你r application is final 和 ready for the national committee: once it's submitted there is 没有办法 to make any further changes (和 你 may only submit one application for one Fulbright award per application cycle).
  • Recommendations 和 languages evaluations may come in after the campus deadline.
  • No one at Fulbright will see 你r application until after the national deadline.
  • 在你的校园面试结束后,我们会把编辑权还给你.
  • Indicate in the official Fulbright online system that 你 are applying through Wellesley College ( “大”).


  • Short essays, including an abstract, host country engagement, 和 plans upon return to the US.
  • Resume/CV fields (for example, extracurricular activities, professional experience, etc.)
  • 拨款目的声明书:
    • 学习/研究:两页,单行距.
    • 预计到达时间:1页,单行距.
  • Personal statement: 1 page, single spaced, for both Study/Research 和 ETA.
  • 成绩单(韦尔斯利、留学、其他院校)
    • For the campus committee process, unofficial applications will suffice.
  • 三个建议
    • 你 may "lock" 你r application for review by the campus committee even if 你r references are 不 all in (they 可以 still come in).
    • 在官方申请系统中注册您的推荐人, 所以他们可能会在那里上传他们的参考资料.
    • 学习/研究参考 是以信件的形式提交的吗.
    • 埃塔的引用 以表格/问卷的形式提交.
  • 语言自我评价表(由考生填写)
  • 外语评估(如适用)
    • 由教师完成(见官方) 富布赖特语言评估指导, & 评估表格样本在这里)
    • Register 你r language evaluator in the official application system
    • 你 may "lock" 你r application for review by the campus committee even if 你r language evaluation is 不 submitted yet (it 可以 still come in).
  • 加盟书,如适用
    • 你 may "lock" 你r application for review by the campus committee even if 你r letter of affiliation is 不 submitted yet (it 可以 be added later).
  • 补充材料(供考生在精或表演 艺术)
  • 韦尔斯利签署文件 as part of the campus Fulbright survey 你 will complete after 你 "lock" 你r application for review (we will send 你 that survey after the campus deadline)