丘吉尔奖学金(高年级学生) & 毕业生)

校园申请截止日期: 美国东部时间2024年10月4日中午12:00

不知道从哪里开始? Explore our fellowships roadmap, which includes timelines, links, 和 resources, 为 奖学金,以支持研究生和专业学习包括丘吉尔号!

丘吉尔奖学金 support one-year master’s degree courses at the University of Cambridge in 工程, 数学, 或者科学方面:请看官方网站的列表 合资格的学习项目. 的 award provides payment of all university 和 college tuition fees at Cambridge, 生活津贴, 还有旅行津贴.

What do Scholars 和 applicants have to say about the Churchill 和 graduate study at Cambridge? 读 在这里,或者在这五分钟里直接听到他们的回答 video!

丘吉尔基金会目前每年提供多达16个奖学金. Wellesley is invited to nominate no more than two c和idates to the national competition annually; the campus nomination process is coordinated through Fellowship Programs, 是韦尔斯利职业教育的一部分.

*参见 坎德斯·丘吉尔奖学金,一个单独的奖项 科学政策; two scholarships are available 为 an MPhil in 公共政策 at Cambridge (see below 为 more in为mation).

* *有抱负 数学家 take note: in addition to applying 为 the Churchill, you might also want to apply 为 the 三一学院数学奖学金这些钱也可以用来资助你在剑桥读数学博士. (From the Churchill Foundation: Should you be nominated by Wellesley 为 the 丘吉尔奖学金, you should put Churchill College down as your first choice in your Cambridge application. 皇冠体育剑桥申请, t在这里 will be something like a tick box to express interest in the Trinity award. 你不应该买丘吉尔吗, 你会自动被三一学院录取, 你的大学隶属关系也可以改变, 你会赢得三一奖吗.)



Eligible applicants are are US citizens with majors in appropriate 阀杆 fields who are graduating seniors at Wellsley or who received their Wellesley degrees less than 12 months ago.

选择的依据是:杰出的学术成就, 特别是在专业(以前的学者通常有3的GPA.9 or better); proven talent in 研究 和 a capacity to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the sciences, 工程, 或者通过追求数学的原创性, 具有较高水平的创造性工作(如获奖), 奖, 研究, 和 letters of recommendation; applicants in the sciences 和 工程 will demonstrate extensive laboratory experience, 实习, 或其他相关工作, while applicants in 数学 will show substantial independent work or other projects); 和 outst和ing personal qualities.

注意,要想获得丘吉尔的资格, 你还必须申请剑桥大学的学位课程 把丘吉尔大学列为你的第一选择 在丘吉尔网站上公布的10月初截止日期前完成. 剑桥大学的一些学位课程, 尤其是高度量化的课程, 要求标准化考试成绩, e.g. GRE考试,所以要做相应的计划.)

为自己选择合适的学位课程绝非易事, 你应该查查丘吉尔的网站 学习项目 页面提供指南和不符合条件的课程列表. 对卫尔斯理感兴趣的申请者 are warmly encouraged to make an appointment with 凯特灵, 董事奖学金计划, online through 握手; she is delighted to help with the interpretation of Cambridge websites, 学习项目的选择, 应用策略, 和更多的.

找不到可用的奖学金预约? Drop by 奖学金 Pop-Up advice:无需预约. 看到我们的 事件列表 详情,全年. 



详细信息和使用说明, 连同正式申请一起, 可以在 丘吉尔的网站. 这个信息应该仔细阅读, along with the Wellesley application in为mation 在这里; pay special attention to the official application instructions, 哪些是详细的,非常具体的.

申请皇冠体育的提名 为 the Churchill the following materials must be submitted by the campus application deadline:

  1. 四封学术推荐信, from 阀杆 faculty 和 ideally from 阀杆 研究 supervisors (get as many letters from 研究 supervisors as possible):  Please enter your recommenders' contact details into the official application system, 好叫他们把书信送到那里. (Applicants should note the official instructions concerning the choice of recommenders, 并可能发送进一步的问题到 fellowships@nigzob.com,进入奖学金弹出式咨询(详细信息请访问 职业教育活动列表)或通过握手与凯特灵预约奖学金咨询.)
  2. 通过 丘吉尔官方在线申请系统,递交申请. 请确保包括所需的文件:
    • 研究计划论文(最多1页);
    • 个人陈述(最多2页)  
    • 实验室位置(如适用) & available); may simply be an email from the prospective PI
    • 成绩单:最初的校园竞赛, 可以提交非官方的皇冠体育成绩报告. 还需要, at least an unofficial transcript/grade report from any other institution attended 为 post-secondary studies, 比如你转学的学校或者你在国外学习的学校. Note that official transcripts may be required 为 application to Cambridge in October; please plan ahead.
  3. In addition to submitting your Churchill application via the official online system, by the campus application deadline also submit the following materials via the 为m found 在这里:
    • 至少提交一份剑桥大学研究生学位课程申请的草稿, which you must submit to Cambridge by the October deadline to be considered 为 the 盖茨 和 other scholarship funding, 把丘吉尔大学列为你的第一选择.
    • 韦尔斯利奖学金办公室签名文件 (请打印、签名 & date 这种形式, then submit a scanned pdf or other image of the signed document)

的 campus committee (comprised of 阀杆 faculty) reads applications 为 the Churchill 和 may choose to interview shortlisted c和idates be为e selecting no more than two applications to send on to the national competition at the end of October. Nominees will have the chance to make final tweaks to their applications with the benefit of advice from the campus committee. 在国家截止日期之后, 申请人通常会在12月收到结果通知, 决定将在2月份公开宣布.

对卫尔斯理感兴趣的申请者, are warmly encouraged to book a 奖学金 advising appointment with 凯特灵 via 握手: note that appointments are available during the summer, as well as during the academic year. 注意:所有研究生奖学金的截止日期都在9月和10月, 以及所有对卫尔斯理感兴趣的申请者, the August 和 September advising calendar fills up very quickly: why not beat the rush 和 talk with Kate earlier? As a bonus: planning ahead also makes it easier to ask 为 references 和 put a great application together, 压力要小得多...

Note that t在这里 is an optional opt-in to Postgraduate Fellowship Summer Support program: by submitting 这个入门工作表 to 这种形式 5月1日前, 2024, you are guaranteed help over the summer to plan 和 build your applications (outlining, 论文评审, 选择推荐系统, 等.).  我们还有一个 可选草案截止日期 2024年7月24日 皇冠体育研究生奖学金申请者 with deadlines that fall between August 和 December: if you submit drafts by the draft deadline you are guaranteed feedback be为e the relevant deadlines, 而且你可以优先预约咨询服务.

或在线到奖学金虚拟弹出式咨询(详细信息通过 本网站的职业教育活动列表 (握手):不需要预约!



电子邮件 fellowships@nigzob.com 或者打电话给781的凯特琳·罗伯茨·多诺万.283.2347.  

*参见 坎德斯·丘吉尔奖学金 为 科学政策. 每年有两个奖学金提供给学生 剑桥大学公共政策硕士 为 US citizens who have graduated from any college or university in the US within the past two years with a major or minor in a 阀杆 subject 和 a demonstrated interest in 科学政策. 程序建立在 丘吉尔奖学金他参加了为期两天的科学政策研讨会,并访问了英国政府部门. 的 K和ers Churchill selection committee will consider c和idates' academic achievements in 阀杆 as well as their preparation 为 the MPhil in 公共政策. 

申请奖学金, 申请剑桥大学公共政策硕士学位 by the early October deadline (typically the same deadline as that 为 US applicants 为 the 盖茨其他剑桥奖学金). 请注意,这是一个单独的竞赛, 你应该直接申请:不需要机构提名, 所以你不会申请皇冠体育. But Kate’s still more than glad to offer application advice: book a 奖学金 appointment via 握手 和/或到奖学金弹出式咨询,详细信息通过 职业教育活动列表.