
皇冠体育 is committed to providing equal opportunity in employment and education to all 员工, 学生, 和申请人. No employee or student shall be discriminated against or harassed on the basis of race, color, 自然发型或保护性发型, 年龄(40岁及以上), 性, 性别认同或表达, 性取向, 宗教, 民族出身或特点, 祖籍:民族血统或共同祖先, 资深地位, 身体或精神残疾, 怀孕, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 遗传信息, 退伍军人或军人身份, 制服部队成员资格, 或任何受适用的州和联邦法律保护的类别. The same principles apply to admissions policies and practices concerning women applicants. 类似的, 皇冠体育 is committed to making its 项目 and campus accessible and compliant with all applicable nondiscrimination laws.

性骚扰, 包括性暴力, is a form of 性 discrimination that is illegal under federal laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972, 和马萨诸塞州通则. To review the definitions of unlawful discrimination and harassment (including 性ual harassment and 性ual misconduct), 看到 Policy Against Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation 或者是 不当性行为政策.

Retaliation against any individual for making a complaint of conduct prohibited under this Notice, 或协助调查此类投诉, 是非法的,不能容忍的吗. Any acts of retaliation will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action and sanctions (as noted below).学院 will investigate complaints of conduct prohibited under this Notice. Persons who engage in conduct prohibited under this Notice will be subject to disciplinary actions and sanctions. 纪律处分和制裁将有所不同, 视情况而定, 可能包括(但不限于)训斥, 工作分配的变化, 失去特权, 强制性的培训, 从类中移除, 项目, 活动和/或校园, 悬架, 驱逐, 终止雇佣关系, and/or termination of the contractual or other relationship with the College.


韦尔斯利的学生, 员工, 教师, and visitors may contact the College’s 第九条协调员 to address questions about this Notice or to file a complaint of conduct that is prohibited under this Notice.

除了, any 韦尔斯利 student who has a question about this Notice or about filing a complaint of conduct prohibited under this Notice may contact the College’s 学生办公室主任. Any employee or visitor of the College who has a question about this Notice or about filing a complaint of conduct prohibited under this Notice may contact the College’s 人力资源办事处. Any 教师 member of the College who has a question about this Notice or about filing a complaint of conduct prohibited under this Notice may contact the College’s 教务长办公室. Individuals may also seek assistance from the College’s 校园警察局, 和/或当地警察, in regard to reporting criminal complaints of 性ual misconduct (or other criminal conduct).

另外, individuals may contact the College’s Accessibility and Disability 资源 with questions about the College’s process for requesting reasonable accommodations for qualified 员工, 就业候选人, 学生, 或申请入读学院的残疾人士.

The contact information f或者是 individuals mentioned in the above paragraph appears at the end of this Notice.

学院 will investigate complaints of violations of conduct prohibited under this Notice that are brought by or against an employee (including 教师) or student. To review the College’s comprehensive policy prohibiting discrimination and harassment and procedures for filing a complaint against an employee, 看到 Policy Against Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation. To review the College’s procedures for reporting 性ual misconduct, 看到 不当性行为政策.

学院, 通过校园警察局, will assist with and/or conduct investigations of conduct that necessitates its involvement due to allegations of certain criminal conduct.

学院, 在它的谨慎和判断, may determine that allegations of 性ual misconduct (or of other conduct prohibited under this Notice) against a person who is not a member of the College community may be investigated and resolved outside of the procedures described in the web网站 links to this Notice, and may take interim actions as it deems appropriate to address the safety and protection of the College and community. In such circumstances that the College acts outside of its procedures, 学院的行为将遵守所有相关法律.

How to Contact 皇冠体育’s 第九条协调员 and Other Persons Referenced in this Notice

贾斯汀•贝尔, Director of 不歧视 Initiatives and 第九条协调员/504 Coordinator, 施耐德中心, titleix@nigzob.com 781-283-2451

卡罗琳·斯拉博登,人力资源部副总裁 & 绿厅行政主任 cslabode@nigzob.com 781-283-2216

学院教务长兼院长考特尼·科伊尔, ccoile@nigzob.com 781-283-3583

希拉·肖·霍顿,学生生活副主席 & 格林礼堂学生教务长 shorton2@nigzob.com 781-283-2322
道恩·蒙塔尼亚,格林大厅学生事务副主任, dm104@nigzob.com 781-283-2322

Accessibility and Disability 资源 for Students, Employees or Applicants for Employment
Director of Accessibility and Disability 资源, Clapp Library, accessibility@nigzob.com 781-283-1300

Kenneth Walsh, Director of Public Safety, Campus Police Headquarters, kw109@nigzob.com 781-283-2125

Town of 韦尔斯利 Police Department 781-235-1212 or Emergency 911

除了以上, an individual who believes s/he has been subjected to unlawful 性ual harassment, 非法骚扰, unlawful discrimination or unlawful retaliation may contact several government agencies to make inquiry and/or file a complaint with the applicable agency. Using the College’s internal complaint process does not prohibit an individual from filing a complaint with government agencies.

约翰F. 肯尼迪联邦大厦:
475 Government Center Boston, MA 02203 Tel: (800) 669-4000; (617) 565-3200

U.S. 教育部民权办公室

波士顿办公室: One Ashburton Place Room 601 Boston, MA 02108 Tel: (617) 994-6000
主街484号,伍斯特320室,麻州01608电话:(508)453 9630
436 Dwight Street, 2nd Floor Springfield, MA 01103 Tel: (413) 739 2145
采购街800号., 501室新贝德福德,MA 02740电话:(508)990-2390
